This is the time to write a long list of resolutions that will be broken at approximately 3am on New Year Day. This year I’ve decided, in an attempt to be a bit more positive, to reflect on things I have actually achieved or things of note from not just this past year but over my 20 years on earth (oh yeah, I turned 20 last week. That’s… old.)
So, in no particular order…
Passed my first year of university
With a 2:1. Hooray!
Abseiled down a 100 foot tower
Admittedly this was with the instructed strapped to me and I cried half the way down but… I was 13 and it was scary, okay?
Been to two music festivals, Leeds 2010 and Beach Break Live 2011.
Leeds was amazing, favourite bands had to be The Midnight Beast, Weezer and definitely Blink 182. Absolutely epic live!
Beach Break was also really good, although a lot rainier and a lot windier. Also, we set fire to our tent whilst attempting to cook canned chicken korma. At least we laughed a lot. Plus we got to see Ed Sheeran live, the moment that I promptly fell in love with him.
Scuba dived in the Atlantic Ocean
When on holiday in Cape Verde, October 2009. It was pretty scary but lodes of fun!
My sister and me, looking good in scuba gear |
Lived in 3 decades, 2 centuries and 2 millenniums
I have happily fallen into the generation that can say that at the ripe old age of 20. As long as I never mix up that “in” with a “for”.
Seen my favourite band live
Fall Out Boy, March 2009. Right at the front, was half crushed but it was completely worth it.
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Pete Wentz, Bass Guitarist of FOB |
Seen my second favourite band live many times
I’ve seen them about 5 or 6 times, I’ve kind of lost count. And I’ll be going again in April… I regret nothing.
Rock climbed, on an actual rock
I got 2/3 of the way up before I was just holding on an whimpering a little and had to come back down. Still.
Volunteered in a third world country
Two weeks in Ghana, July 2009. We helped build the foundations for a new toilet block at a daycare centre, painted a school and hung out with the pupils, and did visited children in an orphanage to do arts and crafts with them. Absolutely incredible experience and I met some amazing people.
Trinity Orphanage |
The school we painted, inside and out |
Seen many of my favourite comedians live
Russell Howard, Lee Mack, Michael McIntyre, Lee Evans, Jimmy Carr. Have yet to see Alan Carr and Jason Manford, plus I’m sure many many more.
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Meeting Jimmy after the show. He's actually really lovely in person! |
Learnt to play a musical instrument
This is pretty major as I am the least musical person ever, but I’d always loved the ukulele and when I joined university and they had a ukulele orchestra, how could I not buy one straight away?
Visited Disneyland Paris
Twice! Once when I was younger and once for my 18th birthday. One of the friends I went with, Becca, fell off the pavement on our first night and we ended up in French Casualty until 3am. It all worked out though, after a LOT of me battling with the hotel/staff (as there had been no lights on in the park when she fell over) we got her free use of a wheelchair for the weekend, plus the fast track pass for all the rides.
Been stranded in Paris
I love the way that sounds. This was the same trip as the Disneyland debacle above. Epic snow back home meant that flights were cancelled for three days, but again it worked out. They put us up in a hotel and we we got to spend a day zipping round Paris. We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Louvre, where we saw the Mona Lisa (Becca’s exact words on seeing this masterpiece: “Is that it?”)
Been on Safari
Kenya, February 2009. There aren’t any words to describe how absolutely amazing this experience was for me (so here’s a bunch of photos instead).
This little guy was sat on our porch one morning |
Also whilst there, I accidentally knocked over something in a shop and when I apologised, the shop keeper just waved his hand and said “Hakuna Matata.” Hakuna Matata. I had to leave quickly before I hugged him I was that excited.
Completed my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
Sure, I was always at the back of our group on every practice walk (there were many). But I still did it! Eventually.
Learn to Ski
Anything steeper than a blue run still freaks me out but I’m perfectly happy meandering down the greens and blues.
Visited Canada
Where I…
- Did a lot of skiing
- Went husky dog sledding
- Walked (and jumped) on a frozen lake
- Ate the biggest breakfast I have ever had in my life (and spent the rest of the day recovering)
- Visited an outdoor natural hot springs. Felt pretty weird looking up and around at the mountains and snow, whilst in a swimming costume sitting in a pool.
- Inwardly screamed with excitement every time a Canadian or Australian spoke to me. They have the BEST accents!
Learnt to drive
If you want to get technical, I haven’t actually passed my test yet. But I can drive! I just can’t when there’s a guy with a clipboard sat next to me. I’ll get there eventually.
Started a blog!
I know that I have been severely neglecting it but I have been in a bit of a rut these last couple of months, so I’m hoping that this will change soon.
That made me feel a whole lot better than sitting and writing a long list of things that in my heart I know I wouldn’t achieve half of… however there are a few things I would like to aim to do over the coming year.
I would like to be able to worry a lot less about what people think of me, starting with how I look because I obsess over that way too much. First mission; stop asking everyone I know going to an event what they will be wearing, then spending hours fretting that I am over/under dressed!
I also want to concentrate a lot better on my uni work. I did a lot better at that last term than I did in first year so hopefully I can continue that and start getting better marks.
BUDGET BETTER! I am in a dire financial situation at the moment and it’s all my own fault. Must sort that out!
For the love of god, go swimming. This is the third year running I have vowed to do this. Let it please be third time lucky!
So Happy New Year everyone. Make it a good one.