Thursday, 28 April 2011

Prologue to Adventures in Canadia

I am disgusted with myself that it's been so long since I blogged. I was supposed to be keeping this up.

I am currently working on a post about my recent trip to the beautiful country of Canada, but in an attempt to update more regularly, here is are a couple of poems inspired by my trip. That may not appear to be inspired specifically by Canadian happenings, but they are. Honest. I never write poetry (I always feel way too pretentious, though I do enjoy reading poetry. William Blake is brilliant) but this was an assignment for my English degree and I don't think it's these two are too embaressing to share. However if you think they're terrible don't worry. Poetry is not usually my thing. This shan't happen again.


Leaping, turning
Twisting, burning

Trapped by wire
Captured fire

Hands are warming
Cold clear morning

When at zero
Winter’s hero

A Walk in the Woods

Falling, falling, from the night
Winter’s kisses, sharp and bright
Scent of pine and crunch of snow
Treading where the grizzlies go

Fingers numb in frozen air
Casualties of this love affair
With bracing walks on untouched trails
Against nothing else this pastime fails

Silence now; no one around
Only the sound of foot on ground
Catch a snowflake, hold it tight
Just embrace the winter’s bite

Also, here is a teaser photograph for my next post. There will be hospitalisation, Canadian accents, a mermaid, too much food and the love of my life, Bradley.

Banff, Alberta