Sunday, 1 April 2012

A Letter From My Past Self

So I just received this into my email inbox. It is completely accurate, and kind of funny to be reading what I wrote a year ago. Thought I'd post it here so the internet can read me talking to myself like normal, well-adjusted people do.

The following is an e-mail from the past, composed 11 months and 30 days ago, on April 01, 2011. It is being delivered from the past through

Dear Future Self Avoiding Assignments,

You really should stop procrastinating you know.

Hello there. So I'm hoping by now that blog thing you've just started has kicked of and we're getting a gazillion hits a day or something ridiculous... or at the very least you're still doing it. We really are rubbish at keeping up with stuff.

Speaking of which, today was another deadline day for uni and you finished TWO assignments this morning... really? Just no. Just... no.

Right now... yes, right now, exactly... you're having one of you're "oh my god, I actually remember writing those words, and spelling 'writing' wrong and having to correct it... this is so weird" moments. Yeah. Embrace the moment.

Also, right now when you read this a few things will have happened. Skiing in Canada (ohmygodthirteendays), summer in Bournemouth, Beach Break, your TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY OH MY GOD. How does it feel? You're old you know. Twenty is like... old.

So I hope uni is still going well, and you still have all your amazing friends. Maybe a few more, that would be fun. Also I hope you're still climbing and have advanced on the ukulele. Trying not to have too many expectations, you know how rubbish we are at NYE Resolutions.

Now go do that assignment.

Lots of loves ('cos you should love yourself)


P.S.. I sure hope the world hasn't ended already/zombie apolocolypse happened etc. Otherwise I just wasted a bunch of time on this... hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love how you mentioned this is completely accurate :)
